April Light, Pendower Coves, Cornwall (NC 424)
Pendower Coves are situated just below Lands End on the west Penwith Peninsula coast of Cornwall. Originally seen in clear April light, this is a study in oils aiming to try and capture the magnificence of the location. I sketched and photographed this area of coastline in 2022 after completing an inspiring 3 day open air painting course with the great landscape artist Paul Lewin who knows this area of coastline intimately (braving all weathers to paint it on location). There were a pair of rare Cornish Chough’s in attendance when I was lucky to be there in lovely sunny weather, so I’ve included them somewhere in the scene (I wasn’t aware of any gulls unusually). The sound of the surf was amazing, if only it wasn’t so far away from Derbyshire…
Oil on canvas
102 x 82 cm (40 x 32 inches)